Manually Install Development Theatre

If you don’t have an M Series Mac, or if you want to take the time to install the Development Theatre manually, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install latest LTS Node.
  2. Install Yarn 1.
  3. Install Visual Studio Code (vscode).
  4. Setup vscode to work through command line.
  5. Quit vscode (very important or vscode won’t get new settings)

Install Spruce CLI

Once Node, Yarn, and vscode are ready, run the following: 👇

yarn global add @sprucelabs/spruce-cli

Clone the theatre-monorepo

cd to the directory where you want to install the Development Theatre and run:

git clone spruce-theatre

Note: This will create a new directory called spruce-theatre in your current directory. You can name it whatever you want, but it’s always helpful to end the directory name with -theatre.

Download the Blueprint

Theatres are driven by a blueprint.yml file. It tells the theatre what to build and how to build it. You can download the blueprint for the Development Theatre by running:

curl -o blueprint.yml

You should end up with a directory structure that looks like this:

> ls

Setup the Theatre

Now that you have the spruce-theatre directory and the blueprint.yml file, you can setup the theatre by running:

cd spruce-theatre
yarn ../blueprint.yml

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